Welcome to my 360° photography page!
Explore the map or the list below!
List of available shots:
Select an individual panorama picture or a panorama-tour from the list or the maps-section (open in new tab).
Unfold the control panel by clicking in the bottom left corner. Open the map
to see your location, direction of view and nearby panoramas.
Enter fullscreen for the best experience and use the mouse wheel / touchscreen to zoom.
Search for those symbols in your panorama to „fly“ to the next location.
Use a right-click to enter little-planet view.
Enter VR-Mode by tapping and put your phone into a VR-headset. Keep looking at
for a few seconds in order to fly to your preferred location. Enjoy!
This website was created to showcase self-made, high-resolution 360° VR-photos on all platforms.
Free alternatives such as skypixel.com don’t offer the full resolution, interactive maps or sounds.